Strengthening Second Generation Regional Policy Statements: An EDS guide
By Raewyn Peart and Peter Raeburn.
Regional policy statements were some of the earliest documents prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 when it came into force almost 20 years ago. Many are now under review with second generation documents being prepared.
Regional policy statements are very significant. They provide an integrated overview of how terrestrial, freshwater and marine resources will be managed. They also influence the content of regional and district plans which can include enforceable environmental rules. Unfortunately, most first generation regional policy statements have not lived up to their potential.
This guide summarises learnings from first generation regional policy statements. It sets out what should be included in second generation documents to ensure that they drive a significant improvement in environmental outcomes on the ground.
The guide is designed to provide practical guidance to all those involved in the development of regional policy statements. It will be invaluable for elected members and officers from regional councils and territorial authorities, officials from government agencies, iwi and hapu resource managers and other stakeholders from the business, community and environmental sectors.
Published by the Environmental Defence Society in 2011.